Schlagwort: icebreaker
Assumptions, a christmas series on Netflix and our brain:
Oxford Dictionary: [Assumption] = something that you accept as true without question or proof: People tend to make assumptions about you when you have a disability. These calculations are based on the assumption that prices will continue to rise. I watched the Norwegian Christmas Series: A Storm for Christmas where Kaja – a little girl…
„Sequences“ – A fun activity, not only for Nerds*
Disclaimer: *Nerds: When I talk about Nerds, it is always positive. In the last 10 years or more, I have been surrounded by them, I’m part of the active community around the ccc, the chaos computer club. Since I found out, that hacking doesn’t necessarily mean having computer/programming skills. It just means: Doing things differently…
Simple and effective teambuilding activity: „Did You Know?“
In remote settings, team members probably don’t know much about each other, apart from work. This activity is opening this space Bring the team together in pairs (breakout rooms) so they can talk about a topic you provide for around 4 minutes. It can be something work-related but also chit-chat, where they talk about a…
Running Team-Health Checks
When I start working with a new team, one of the first things I do, is to conduct a Teamhealth Check. There are several ideas out there. The most famous I guess, is the Spotify Squad Health Check. It doesn’t matter, which one you use, just think beforehand, about what categories make sense to monitor…